
“Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” Joh. 4:29

Hi! I am so glad you are here!

My name is Sandra, and I am the face behind this blog.

The idea to start this blog was because I already wrote down all my adventures and stories with God for myself. Sometimes, so many beautiful and special things happen that, if I do not write things down, I tend to forget. And I don’t want to forget what God does in my life! 

So I decided to write everything down for myself. Everything I learned, everything God showed me or spoke to me, all the times I fell, and all the times I got back up over the past few years.

I live in the Netherlands, married to the sweetest husband, mother of two fantastic sons, and I am also the “cat mother” of Ozzy and Scotty, two red cat brothers.
Furthermore, we live in a lovely little house in a remote location in the middle of nature, and I work at a beautiful hospital which is located in the same place where our church is.
In September 2023, I started a Bible study at Charis Bible College. I am extremely blessed. God is good, all the time and all the time, God is good.

And then, one day………….

Must read tips

Photo of the week

Last school day @ Charis Bible College, we all celebrated Communion.
One of our fellow students spoke and told the beautiful story of King David and his covenant with his now deceased friend Jonathan.
“So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David,…”– 1 Samuel 20:16
David remembered the covenant once made with Jonathan (1 Samuel 20:14-17), and called a servant of the deceased Saul, named Ziba, and asked him if he knew of any remaining members of his friend Jonathan’s family. He confirmed that there was indeed a paralyzed son of Jonathan, Mephibosheth, still alive.
Ziba had to go and get him. Once Mephibosheth was brought to King David, David seated him at his table as if he were the son of a king.
Long story short, I loved the parable in this story: We have all been a “Mephibosheth”, far removed from the King, lost in the world, mentally or physically perhaps crippled by the things that come with living in a broken world.
Yet, there is a King who invites us to His table, Jesus! Jesus invites us continually, day in and day out, to take a seat at His table. He wants to eat with all of us.
At the same time, those who have already taken a seat at this table are like Ziba; we are allowed to go out into the world searching for all the “Mephibosheth’s” to pick them up and bring them to the King’s table.
Whether you are a “Mephibosheth” or a “Ziba” there is a King who wants us at His table with Him, included in His covenant. A table filled with joy, peace and eternal life with Him.
Blessed! -X- San

Bible verse of this week: Hosea 11:4

"I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love. To them I was like one who lifts a little child to the cheek, and I bent down to feed them."

How I get ready for a great day

breakfast, morning, healthy-4374418.jpgI wake up at 5am every day to start my day with Jesus, or at least that is my goal every day (yes, even on the weekends). Often it works (in the power of the Lord😉). I love that time because my head is still empty, and my thoughts are not running in all directions like at the end of the day. The world is still asleep, and it seems as if I am alone in the world with Him. Jesus Himself also started His day that way; in prayer and in silence with the Father. 

I often start in prayer, read the Bible and put on some beautiful worship. If I have any time left, I do some homework from my Bible college.

I want to encourage you to give it a try, you’ll see it will change your day!

If you can’t get up early right away, or if you, like me in the beginning, just turn off your alarm to continue snoozing, ask a friend to join you. It may take a while to get the hang of it, but persistence wins!

You got this!!

Binge watch tip: The Chosen

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